Be Prepared For Hurricane Damage

hurricane damage

Hurricane season is right around the corner, and with it comes the risk of hurricane damage. Luckily, you can prepare in advance to reduce the risk of damage to your home. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts a busy 2021 hurricane season, making your storm-readiness even more important than usual.

Preparing For Hurricane Damage

A storm on the way means you need to get yourself and your home ready to weather it. Whether you’re working on long-term hurricane safety measures or you’re preparing last minute for an incoming storm, here are the key areas you need to keep in mind.

Getting Your Yard Ready

Loose objects cause a lot of damage in high winds. Your yard’s furniture, if not bolted down, needs to be taken inside or to a shed. Lawn chairs are lighter than you think— and strong winds can easily send them flying. Likewise, potted plants should be moved inside and out of the elements.

With enough time, you should also be trimming back trees and hedges that are likely to break apart in the storm. Stray branches can hit and damage roof tiles, windows, and your home’s exterior. While this is not recommended if you have to evacuate immediately, this can greatly reduce your damages if you have ample time to prepare. Throwing and securing a tarp over trees is an excellent and quick solution on short notice.

Getting Your Home Ready

Now that you’ve secured your yard, you can start to plan how to keep your home’s interior safe. Make sure to unplug all appliances and store them away, if they’re small enough, to prevent water damage. Keeping valuables off the ground reduces the risk of water damage to essentials. Sealed plastic storage crates or safe deposit boxes are great for valuables that you’ll have to leave behind in an evacuation, adding an extra layer of protection from a possible flood.

Storm shutters are a necessary investment if your home is facing several hurricanes per year. While plywood is an alternative on short notice, consistent hurricane damage throughout the storm season can be reduced with easy-to-use shutters for windows and doors. Nevertheless, make sure to move appliances and furniture away from windows and doors for the duration of the storm.

Getting Your Family Ready

Set aside time to speak to your family, friends, and loved ones about your evacuation plan. Your local community may have storm shelters nearby or may have already organized a designated meeting spot. By making sure everyone is on the same page about evacuation, you can get people and pets out of danger sooner. Each family member should prepare their own emergency kit, filled with the essential items they’ll need if you have to evacuate quickly.

A checklist is essential when preparing for the hurricane season. This list should include your necessities. The items you’ll need if you’re cut off from power or shops at the worst possible time.

  • Canned foods, non-perishable foods
  • Portable chargers for phones and electronics
  • Medication and a First Aid Kit
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Blankets
  • A change of clothing
  • Pet food if you have animals
  • Water – Lots and lots of water!

These are all items that you can prepare ahead of time; so you’re not left scrambling in an emergency.

Getting Help With Your Hurricane Damage Claim With Atlantic Coast Public Adjusters

Some damage is inevitable. No matter how much you prepare, a big storm can throw those plans out the window. We’re here to help you through the insurance claim process. Moreover, we’ll make sure you’re getting fair compensation for the damages you’ve suffered.

Contact us today at 1 (887) 561-2524 and a member of our team can help. Stay safe and be hurricane smart.