How Long Do I Have To File A Property Damage Claim in Florida?

property damage claims

Living in Florida comes with its own unique challenges, such as the hurricane season, high rainfall, and perpetual heat. Homeowners and business owners are wise to invest in insurance, but it’s also important to understand the logistics of property damage claims.

As public adjusters, we’re able to help Florida residents navigate property damage claims and make the most out of their insurance.

What Counts as Property Damage?

There are different types of property damage, and each is covered by a specific insurance clause. Understanding what constitutes property damage is the first step in covering your bases.

Consider the following common types of property damage.

  • Destructive acts such as vandalism, graffiti, defacement, and breakage
  • Wind and hail damage
  • Water and freezing damage
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Falling object damage
  • Termite damage
  • Toxic mold and mildew damage
  • Sinkhole damage
  • Lightning damage

What is Covered by Standard Homeowner’s Insurance?

Most homeowners’ insurance covers the basics, but policies will vary from one to another. In some instances, the policy will overlap with other existing policies.

Property damage insurance typically covers the above-mentioned areas, including vandalism, fire, and certain natural disasters, as well as liability in the unfortunate instance of injury.

What Isn’t Covered by Insurance?

Any damage caused by certain catastrophes, such as flooding, is usually not covered and needs specialized insurance. For example, preparing for hurricane damage demands its own deductible. Hurricane protection specifically covers windstorm damage and flood damage.

How Long Do I Have to File a Property Damage Claim in Florida?

Florida’s Statutes section 95.11 outlines a four-year deadline that applies to any lawsuit whereby a person is seeking repair or replacement of property that has been damaged or destroyed.

Once you’ve approached the insurer for compensation, a timeline is activated.

  • Florida insurance companies have 14 days to acknowledge receipt of the claim
  • The insurer has 14 days to provide all necessary information, including additional documentation
  • Homeowners are required to present all receipts outlining the cost of repairs, as well as photos or videos of damage
  • Once opened, insurance companies have 90 days to accept or reject a claim
  • The insurer has 20 days to issue payment once a decision has been made

How Can a Public Adjuster Help Me File a Property Damage Claim?

There are several instances when a public adjuster can be helpful in filing a property damage claim, especially when evaluating the extent of damage to a home.

Whenever a home is impacted by the likes of a fire, windstorm or another experience that leads to property damage, a public insurance adjuster will help the homeowner file an insurance claim.

It’s essential that an insurance claim is detailed and accurate.

As a licensed professional, a public adjuster can save both individuals and businesses a lot of money in the long run. For example, they ensure that the insurance company pays the full amount as stipulated by the policy.

With years of experience in related fields, public adjusters are well acquainted with the details and languages of various insurance policies. Their experience also extends to negotiating with insurers to protect the policyholder.

When choosing a public adjuster to work with, consider the following attributes.

  • Licensed with the state
  • Experience in the industry
  • Familiar with the state’s laws and regulations
  • Referrals and references
  • Review the terms of communication

Hire An Experienced South Florida Public Adjuster

Our experienced and licensed team at Atlantic Coast Public Adjusters is ready to help you file a claim for property damage in Florida. Whether you experience water damage, accidental damage, hurricane and wind damage, theft and vandalism or more, we’ll help you recover the insurance money that you’re owed.

Contact us at 877 561 2524 to find out more, or contact ACC Public Adjusters online.