A leaky water heater could do unspeakable damage to your business. If the insurance company files a claim, chances are you’re not getting the amount you are entitled to. At Atlantic Coast Public Adjusters, we are dedicated to getting the funds you need to make repairs as soon as possible.
Common Signs of a
Water Heater Leak:
- Water never gets hot
- Iron-like particles or taste in the water
- The bottom of the heater is producing rust
- Difficulty pumping water throughout the building
When in doubt, contact a plumber to alleviate the issue. If nothing can be done, be sure to notify us first! Take pictures immediately because this documentation will help maximize the funding you need. No Fees unless we collect – There is no money upfront – no out of your pocket unless we collect.
Are You Looking for Water Heater Claims?
Our team of public adjusters are here to work for you—not the insurance company. We personally handle your claim until a settlement is reached.