Mold Damage Claims & How Atlantic Coast Public Adjusters Can Help

mold damage claims

If you have ever tried to claim for mold damage, you probably know that there is a high rate of insurance companies not paying out for mold or even water damage. But in some cases, this may not be accurate or fair. An insurer will usually pay out for nominal or conventional losses only. However, a public adjuster is the best person to investigate whether or not your insurer should cover mold damage based on your policy.

Mold Damage And Insurance In Florida?

Mold is a real problem in Florida. Humidity and our typical “rainy” season mean mold damage can almost be expected even outside of accidents that can cause mold. Depending on how severe, it could eventually lead to unlivable conditions or unsafe working conditions. Mold should always be safely removed as soon as possible and the area should be professionally inspected and cleaned. For all the problems mold damage could cause, it is worthwhile checking if insurance covers it.

Some damage that causes mold is covered by insurance, and so it seems that if mold creeps into your home because of one of these reasons, then provided you have done your maintenance and seasonal preparations it is viable that insurance could cover it.

Things such as appliance fault and plumbing accidents can cause mold and are also generally covered by insurance. Either way, unless your insurance policy is very specific about any causes of mold, it is worth checking. This seems easy enough because you can call and check with your insurer. So why would a public adjuster for mold claims still be necessary? More on that later.

Should Mold Be Covered By Insurance?

Mold is dangerous. It can cause illness and exacerbate health conditions. Some mold is even toxic to the point where a building should be evacuated. So, if you are hesitant to check in with your insurer, take note that mold is not a problem to be ignored. Insurance is typically there to ensure normal living and working conditions can continue when disaster strikes and to cover long term losses incurred. Mold needs to be checked and removed by experts. So, it is something that can interrupt your life and therefore should be covered.

In some cases, this might mean that separate mold cover must be taken out. If you have had trouble in the past, it is worth looking into this option.

Aside from being a health hazard, once it sets in it destroys materials like wood and even gets into the brick and mortar of buildings. In this case, it becomes incredibly difficult to deal with. The further it spreads the more chance that you will have to vacate your home or place of work while the building is assessed and repaired if this is an option. Some mold can even lead to a building being declared unfit for use meaning it needs to be demolished.

How Can a Public Adjuster Help You with a Mold Damage Claim?

It is not likely that your insurer will assess what the underlying cause of your mold is. It is also not likely that they will analyze your policy and interpret any ambiguous language in your favor.

A public adjuster would help by doing three things to balance this out in the interest of your claim:

  1. Do a thorough investigation of what caused the mold.
  2. Assess your policy, looking at what is covered and if there is any relationship to the mold damage.
  3. File a full report and mediate with your insurer so that any cover owed to you is paid out.

Even if you have separate mold coverage, a public adjuster will make sure that all expenses involved are ascertained and submitted before your claim is finalized.

It can happen that the language in a policy is vague or ambiguous, but in cases like this, the policy has to be interpreted in the favor of the insured party. A public adjuster will be really thorough at making sure that if a claim is fair, it gets covered. Otherwise, a mold damage claim could be put down as not being covered because it is not specifically stated.

How Can Your Payout be Affected by the Use of a Public Adjuster?

If mold damage happens as a result of something like rain damage or bursts that are covered by insurance, and they pay you out for the repairs but not for mold removal, you might think that is fair. A public adjuster who builds the case will work to have mold removal included, meaning a better, more accurate, payment for you.

The costs involved with mold damage, like many other costs of repair, are often over-looked when insurers are working out the cost of repairs. For example, your insurance payment is based on what needs to be fixed or replaced and how much money will make that happen. A public adjuster builds a case that is pedantic about every cost.

With mold being a possible problem topic, it is advisable to employ a public adjuster sooner in the case to avoid a back-and-forth between yourself and your insurers. It will also mean that the case and its evidence are collected sooner, which means your repairs can happen more speedily.

A knowledgeable public adjuster might even be able to advise you of whether a claim is a viable option at all, as they have been exposed to insurance practices and should know what claims get processed in light of your personal policy. If you are concerned about a public adjuster leading to unnecessary costs, it will be comforting to understand how public adjuster fees are calculated.

As is the case with general claims as well, an adjuster does take a fee, but only if you get paid. You should still walk away with more money from your insurance payout than if you submit your claim on your own and haven’t accounted for all expenses. Call Atlantic Coast Public Adjusters, we’re on YOUR side.